Many people have heard about this great new venture that promises a lucrative income that will allow you to quit your day job within days, hop on a jet and take your whole family on a grand summer vacation in the tropics, and the best part – work at the convenience of your own living room. Some even make the promise of a passive income where you basically set it up, sit back and just watch the cash flow in. These are just some of the many benefits of having an ecommerce website.

As the concept of ecommerce websites and how they can make millionaires out of even the laziest bum spread like wildfire, many people are now catching the fever and joining the craze. One thing that fans the flame is the availability of many do-it-yourself software programs that lets you build your own website in minutes.

DIY software programs that makes website creation a walk in the park abounds the internet nowadays, so much so that they were thought to one day drive web developer businesses to the ground. But why haven't they? Why do people still hire and pay these web development companies despite the abundance of free DIY software?

The main reason is that not all these DIY website creator programs have what it takes to make a website successful in the race for being number one in the page rankings. Yes, statistically, over 90% of websites fail, and you can bet that majority of these are DIY websites.

So why do these DIY ecommerce websites fail? Let us count the ways.

Poor Visuals

Some DIY websites usually have either a preset of templates, and/or a feature that allows you to change the colors of the background, texts and so on. It might sound fun and easy, but you need to know that if you are planning to keep this site running and expect to make any money from it soon, you had better pay attention to the appropriate visuals to use. And there is no one more suited to the job than expert graphic artists from a reputable web developer.

Creating a website is not about throwing in a splash or red here and hint of blue there and so on. Creating the correct visuals requires a thorough knowledge of color schemes, image manipulation, text and image layouts and more. In order to succeed, a website must be able to portray a "look" that appeals to the site visitor, and professional web developers can help you with that.

Not Enough Traffic

Where are the people? Probably looking at another website right now…
One of the things that make or break a website is the amount of traffic that it gets. When you have more people clicking on your website, you get more popular and rise up the rankings quickly. With a huge amount of traffic, you can be sure that you will have more advertisers and customers buying and clients looking for your services. There are several factors that can affect traffic one of which will be discussed in the next paragraph.

Visitor Abandonment

Getting people to visit your website is one thing, and making sure that they stay long enough to make a purchase is a different matter. Visitor abandonment is one of the things that make an etailer's life miserable. See, "No Sale" is sometimes easier on the emerchant than "Almost a Sale."

One of the things that make visitors leave a site is that it is so difficult for them to navigate through the web site. Sometimes, there is just too many "click here" or "go to…" that the guests feel frustrated at having to go through all those trouble for a single piece of information. If you believe you have this problem, a web developer can most certainly help you sort out the mess a DIY website creator has made.

There are other reasons of course, like poor uptime and lack of maintenance, and so on. That is why smart people prefer to fish out money from their pockets and hire professional web developers to do the job. They have the ability, skills and trainings required, making them a much more qualified "run-to" person. Sure, they don't come cheap, but the website you get will be worth every cent.

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